COVID19 Acute Care Course

COVID Acute Care Course

COVID 19 : Acute Care Course

Please Note : This course has been updated with the current recommendation with COVID-19 illness

The Course is Free. To access you will need to Create an Account/Log in

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The COVID19 : Acute Care Course has been developed to provide health professionals (especially those working in rural and remote settings) the opportunity to understand how to prepare for patients presenting to their health facility and perform triage during the COVID19 Pandemic, how to undertake nursing and medical assessment of patients with possible COVID19 illness, how to use and administer oxygen and determine the level of respiratory support required for a patient, the procedure for preparing and performing intubation and ventilation in the patient with COVID19 and how to approach the difficult issue of deciding on palliation for a patient.

The resources have been developed based on the limited research available at the present time supplemented by the use of international, national and locally based guidelines from acknowledged authorities in the areas of infectious disease, emergency medicine and intensive care. As further knowledge develops in this area the teaching resources will be modified to ensure they remain up to date with the latest developments and a summary of these revisions provided to enable you to easily identify where the resources have changed.

Join the LearnEM team on this journey into responding to the COVID19 pandemic  !

If you have any problems or require more information: Contact LearnEM Support

Information about the course

  • Open Access Course for Designed for medical officers, registered and enrolled nurses, midwives, paramedics and students

  • CME hours: Certified for 6 hours of continuing medical education

  • CPD accreditation: ACRRM & RACGP

  • Duration of enrolement : 12 months (commences from the date of course enrolement)

  • CPD Certificate is provided with successful completion of the course

Course Accreditation 2020-2022


    • Course Code: 20007

    • Course Points: 6 Educational PDP Points


    • Activity Number: 198242

    • 12 CPD Activity Points

Course Accreditation 2023-2025

This course will  NOT be accredited for the 2023-2025 triennium.