CHSA BLS - 2018 (2)

Basic Life Support

Choking Patient / Basic CPR

Foreign body airway obstruction is common. It may occur in adults (eg cafe coronary due to a food bolus) but is most often seen in the toddlers and in patients with impaired swallowing reflexes (eg due to stroke). Complete airway obstruction can lead to cardiac arrest in as little as 4 to 10 minutes and irreversible CNS damage within 3 to 5 minutes. Knowledge of the procedure for managing foreign body airway obstruction is an important and potentially life saving skill for all health professionals.

Cardiac arrest results in generalised ischaemic hypoxic injury to body organs. The brain is the most sensitive body organ with loss of function occurring within 1 minute. In Australia, the Basic Life Support algorithm is summarised by the mnemonic "DRS ABCD" and emphasises the need to get hands on the chest without delay, continue cardiac compressions with minimal interruption and attach an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) as soon as possible.

The Basic Life Support course begins with a Clinical Casebook that explores the immediate management of the choking patient. This is followed by two short videos (10 mins) that introduce the theory (Video 1) and practical aspects (Video 2) of Basic CPR. The Clinical Case book on Basic CPR allows the participant to apply the principles of basic life support to a clinical case. The training ends with a graded quiz for which a pass is required to complete the course.