ECG Interpretation: Core Skills and Advanced ECG
A case based workshop for Medical officers, Nurses, Paramedics and Students
About the Course
Learning to read and confidently interpret an ECG is a valuable skill for assessing and treating patients with a wide range of medical presentations including chest pain, syncope, stroke, shortness of breath and poisoning. The workshop builds confidence to identify the ECG features of cardiac and lung disease, toxicological and biochemical disorders and the diagnosis and management of arrhythmias.
The course is delivered over two days and you may attend Day 1 or Day 2 or both days - your choice !
The workshop is suited to Medical officers (GPs, Training MOs, CMOs), Nurses, Paramedics and Students.
Day One: Core ECG Skills
Day One includes the following topic areas
Basic ECG physiology
Structured approach to ECG interpretation
Introduction to Conduction disorders : AV Block, Bundle Branch Block, Wolf Parkinson White
Introduction to Myocardial Ischaemia: ECG changes of ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction
Recognising basic rhythm disturbances: Atrial fibrillation, Supraventroicyuklar Tachycardia, Ventricular Tachycardia.
Day one is recommended for those new or inexperienced in ECG interpretation or wanting to review Core ECG skills.
Day Two: Advanced ECG Interpretation
Day Two includes the following topic areas
Mycocardial Ischaemia: Posterior STEMI, Right Ventricular STEMI, Non-STEMI, new patterns of ischaemia (Wellen, de Winter, LMCA and Proximal LAD stenosis
Acute Pericarditis, Benign Early Repolarisation
Advanced conduction abnormalities (Bifasicular block, Brugada)
Biochemical and toxicological disorders
Complex arrhythmias.
Day two assumes basic ECG knowledge of Bundle branch block, STEMI and common arrhythmias (AF, SVT and VT).
Course Dates for 2024
No courses are scheduled for 2024.
Attending both days: $385 (inc GST) |
Register to attend both days: ECG Interpretation |
Day 1 (Core ECG Skills): $225 (inc GST) |
Day 2 (Advanced ECG): $225 (inc GST) |
Student discount available: Contact LearnEM
Course Accreditation
Core Skills in ECG Interpretation:
Australian College for Rural and Remote Medicine (5 Educational Activity and 4 Performance Review PDP Hours)
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (Activity no: 864936: tobe confrimed for the 2023-2025 triennium)
Advanced SKills in ECG Interpretation: Pending for the 2023 - 2025 triennium
Workshop Terms and Conditions
Please click here to see the LearnEM refund and ticket transfer terms and conditions.
Further information
Contact : Nikki Murray, LearnEM Program Manager
Phone: 0413 215 944
Email: nikki@learnem.com.au
Workshop Pre-learning
Instructions : Click the link below to access the Workshop Pre-learning. (Pre-learning can only be accessed by participants registered for the workshop).