Gallbladder and Renal Ultrasound
Advanced Ultrasound Training for Emergency Medicine
ASUM Accredited Gallbladder and Renal Ultrasound
The course is delivered using a combination of online learning of core material with a hands-on skills/simulation workshop. The workshop focuses on the application of ultrasound to examination of the gallbladder, liver, CBD, kidney and urinary tract.
The course is taught jointly by Sonographers and ED consultants and delivered delivered using a combination of online learning of core material with a hands-on skills/simulation workshop.
The course provides ultrasound training in
Imaging of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract
Imaging of the kidney and renal tract
Using Ultrasound to identify pathology of the Gallbadder and CBD including Gallstones, Cholecystitis and Obstruction of the CBD,
Using Ultrasound to identify pathology of the Kidney and urinary tract including Renal calculi, Hydronephrosis and Renal cysts
PLEASE NOTE : The workshop assumes prior ultrasound knowledge and attendance of a previous ultrasound courses such as the LearnEM - Bedside Emergency Ultrasound Course.
Course Dates 2024
No further courses scheduled for 2024
2025 dates to be advised.
Register for Ultrasound Workshops
Course Cost
$1100.00 plus GST
Registration includes Course eLearning and Skills / Simulation workshop
Course Venue: LearnEM Training Centre, 47 Manton Street, Hindmarsh, SA 5007
Course Accreditation:
Australian Society for Ultrasound Medicine (ASUM)
Australian College for Rural and Remote Medicine (to be confirmed for the 2023-2025 triennium)
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (to be confirmed for the 2023-2025 triennium)
Accredited by the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) as a Workshop and Online activity for 6.5 hours Online CPD and 6.5 hours Workshop CPD.
Workshop Terms and Conditions: Please click here to see the LearnEM refund and ticket transfer terms and conditions.
Further information
Contact: LearnEM Program Manager
Phone: 0413 215 944
Email: admin@learnem.com.au
Workshop Pre-learning
Instructions: Click the link below to access the Workshop Pre-learning. (Pre-learning can only be accessed by participants registered for the workshop).