Assessment and Management of Obstetric Emergencies (24)

Emergency Obstetrics
Miscarriage, Ectopic, APH, PPROM, Eclampsia, Emergency delivery, PPH, Newborn Resuscitation
Please note there is a new version of the course.
The course is an accredited learning activity for 6.5 hours for medical and nursing continuing professional development.
For GPs the course is an accredited CPD activity for the 2023-2025 triennium with ACRRM (Course Code : 28923: 3.5 Educational Hours & 3 Performance Review PDP Hours + 6 Obstetrics and Gynaecology MOPS points) and RACGP (Course Code : 408392: 3.5 Educational Activity and 3 Reviewing Performance Hours).
Latest Course update : January 2024
The course is suitable for medical officers, nurses, paramedics or students including those with limited obstetric knowledge. A Certificate for 6.5 CPD hours is provided with completion of the course.
The course explores many of the life threatening (and frightening) obstetric emergencies that may present to the emergency department and require immediate management. Topics include emergency delivery, obstetric complications in early and late pregnancy and the post natal period and resuscitation of the neonate.
Course Outline :
1. Emergencies in Early Pregnancy
2. ED Assessment and Management of Pre-Eclampsia / Eclampsia
3. Assessment and Management PV Bleeding in Late Pregnancy
4. Managing Delivery in the Emergency Department
5. Managing the Patient with Post Partum Haemorhage
6. Newborn Resuscitation