ECG Interpretation in Primary Care (24)

ECG Interpretation in Primary Care
An easy to learn and clinically based approach to ECG Interpretation
Please note there is a new version of the course.
The course is an accredited learning activity for 7 hours for medical and nursing continuing professional development.
For GPs the course is an accredited CPD activity for the 2023-2025 triennium with ACRRM (Course Code: 28773: 3.75 Educational Activity and 3.25 Reviewing Performance Hours) and RACGP (Course Code: 403822: 4 Educational Activity and 3 Reviewing Performance Hours).
Latest Course update : January 2024
Designed for medical officers, nurses, paramedics, and students in all medical fields
Do you lack confidence to read an ECG? Do ECGs make you unwell by giving you a headache or triggering a panic attack? There is a better way and it is this introductory course on ECG interpretation – just the major things you need to know to avoid missing serious disease.
Learning to read and confidently interpret an ECG is a valuable skill for assessing and treating patients with a wide range of acute presentations including chest pain, syncope, stroke and shortness of breath.
In this course we introduce an easy to learn approach to ECG interpretation that allows the clinician to quickly identify clinically significant findings such as acute myocardial ischaemia, arrhythmias, conduction block and serious biochemical disorder. The approach is highly practical and can be immediately applied to the clinical care of the emergency patient. A Certificate is provided for 7 hours of CPD with successful completion of the course.
The course includes the following topics :
1. Introduction to a clinically based approach to ECG Interpretation
2. Some really basic ECG physiology
3. Why the P wave is often the clue to arrhythmias
4. How the QRS is useful to clinical practice
5. How to avoid missing the ECG clues to myocardial ischaemia
6. How to approach the ECG diagnosis of arrhythmias