RESP24 High Risk Emergencies

RESP : High Risk Emergencies Program
Serious Disease in Emergency Patients : Red Flags, Investigations and Management
Please note there is a new version of the course.
The course is an accredited learning activity for 16.5 hours for medical and nursing continuing professional development.
For GPs the course is an accredited CPD activity for the 2023-2025 triennium with ACRRM (Course Code: 32293: 16.5 Educational Activity Hours and 6 Emergency Medicine MOPS Hours) and RACGP (Course Code : 394305: 9.5 Educational Activity and 7 Reviewing Performance Hours).
Course Reviewed : January 2024
The course will be suitable for the professional development of GPs, Rural Practitioners, ED Registrars, Training MOs and Medical staff working in Emergency Medical settings
The RESP-High Risk Emergency Program has been developed to provide CPD in the recognition, workup and management of emergency presentations associated with the risk for serious / life threatening illness. While the "RESP-Critical Care" and "RESP-Paediatric" workshop programs focus on the assessment and management of Triage Category One patients, this course examines the patients generally triaged as category two or three (or even sometimes category four) where serious disease needs to be considered. The course explores the "red flags" associated with a specific presentation that indicate an increased risk for serious disease and discusses the workup and emergency management of these patients. The program aims to increase confidence in identifying adults where serious disease is a major consideration and initiate emergency management in these patients.
The course is divided into 8 modules that cover the following topics :
Critical Thinking in High Risk Emergencies
Acute Chest Pain
Acute Headache
Acute Abdominal Pain
Severe Dyspnoea
Severe Agitation