Procedural Sedation and Analgesia (24)

Procedural Sedation

Procedural Sedation and Analgesia

Core Principles and Pharmacological Options

Course Accreditation

The course is an accredited learning activity for 6.5 hours for medical and nursing continuing professional development.

For GPs the course is an accredited CPD activity for the 2023-2025 triennium with ACRRM (Course Code : 29363 : 3.5 Educational Activity and 3 Reviewing Performance Hours) and RACGP (Course Code : 441469: 3.5 Educational Activity and 3 Reviewing Performance Hours).

Latest Course update : January 2024

This course is suited to Medical, Nursing and Paramedic staff wishing to upskill in Procedural Sedation

Procedural Sedation describes the administration of drugs in a controlled setting to reduce pain and / or awareness. In the emergency department it is used for a wide variety of procedures including laceration repair, reduction and immobilisation of fractures or dislocations, incision and drainage procedures, wound exploration and removal of foreign bodies from the eye, ear, nose and skin. Procedural sedation is most often used in healthy adults and children (> 3 months) and those with mild well-controlled systemic disease (eg asthma).

The sedative agents most commonly used for procedural sedation are Midazolam +/- Fentanyl, Propofol, Ketamine and Ketofol. This course examines the indications, contraindications for procedural sedation, assessment, monitoring and after care of the patient undergoing procedural sedation and examine in detail the common drugs used for procedural sedation.

This course explores the following topics :

  • 1. Parenteral Procedural Sedation : Core Principles

  • 2. Intravenous Sedation using Midazolam / Fentanyl

  • 3. Intravenous Sedation using Propofol

  • 4. Parenteral Sedation using Ketamine

  • 5. Intranasal Sedation using Midazolam, Fentanyl, Ketamine

  • 6. Intravenous Regional Anaesthesia - Bier Block

Instructions: Course Enrolment

Use the "Send via PayPal" button below to pay by Credit Card (or using a paypal account)

  • Course Fee: $85.00 (AUD) + $8.50 (GST) = $93.50

  • Duration of enrolment is 12 months from date of payment


Secure Online Payments using Credit Card

You may pay using your Credit Card or via a Paypal account. All payments are processed through the Paypal Gateway to provide maximum security to credit card payments.

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LearnEM has been notified that some people are finding they are unable to use PayPal to process payment (often due to what is reported to them as an "International Error"). We have therefore provided an alternative pathway for payment using the link below to the LearnEM e-store. 

Register for this LearnEM (online) Course

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Refund Policy: We guarantee the quality of our online courses, however, if the course does not meet your expectations you may receive a refund within 14 days of enrolling in the course providing you have not viewed or submitted any of the course quizzes. The pre-course quiz is exempted as this is completed before you can view the course.

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